Tired of same ol' CD'd...

Looking for some new music (don't listen rock) preferably World music, like genuine Celtic, Irish...Spanish, Middle eastern..whatever interesting...I will print, the suggestions out, and go shopping! Thanks!
Mouth Music. Either of their first two cds. Third cd is too commercial. Great Afro-Celtic music and vocals. Also Dr. Didg, outback didgeridoo world music. Ali Farka Toure with Ry Cooder. Lorenna McKinnett, Mask and Mirror. Bang on a Can, percussion ensemle, very different and great sound.
Also check Chesky label for Rebecca Pidgeon's "Four Marys." It is pretty much all traditional Celtic....a Scot singing Irish melodies. It is also 96/24 if your DAC will allow it.
Cesaria Evora - Albums:"Ms Perfumado" and "mar Azul". Originally from Cape Verde islands - sings in Portuguese (themes are mostly nostagic/loss) - wonderful rhythms; tunes linger in your mind long after you've heard them. Also, Jane Bunnett, Canadian saxophonist who has immersed herself in Cuban music to produce highly captivating sound/rhythm. Try her latest albums -superb!
You should check into: Tuva: "Voices from the center of Asia"( also "Night prayers/ Kronos quartet), Krusevo: Vlatko Stefanovski D. Tadic (M.A, recordings)Gongoma times: "Fatala" African techno on Peter Gabriel label. John Williams: "the Guitarist"...you can listen the samples of all of these titles.
For Irish/Celtic, there's some great CD's like "Ceredwen: Legends of the Celts". Also, check out Clannad, The Chieftons, Enya, and The Pogues (great drinkin' music). There's also some really good "traditional/modern" Japanese music out there - don't have the right keys on the keyboard to give you a title. There is some cool world music out there but am not sure what style you're looking for. Just don't go raga man! - Tony