Bagpipe Music

I really like the sound of bagpipes. Can anyone recommend any good bagpipe music? I would really like to hear how it sounds on my system.
Matt Seattle, "Out of the Flames" on Discipline Global Music. This is Robert Fripp's own label (of King Crimson fame) and is dedicated to preseving and protecting artist's rights as well as publishing a wildly diverse catalog of great music. You can find more on Matt Seattle at Good luck and hope you enjoy.
Have you listened to Korn? Jonathon Davis likes to play the 'pipes. OK, just kidding.
I have a double CD of Basque music entitled "Kepa Junkera" which features Paddy Maloney of (The Chieftains). It has both "Swiss" and "Galician" bagpipe on a few of the songs. Other instruments include darbuka, valiha, trikitixa, cabassa, timple, cuatro, cajon, Braguesse guitar, bendir and txalaparta (in case you feel like branching out from the bagpipe) as well as more traditional mainstream instruments. My wife picked it up at a local flea market, but their is a web address on the insert ( where you may be able to order the CD. It's like "Black Orpheus" meets the "Gypsy Kings" and it hits the spot for an obscure music fix. It ain't crap.