Who is Most Beautiful female singer ever

I say Jewel and Debbie Harry.
Shania Twain, Britney Spears, Sarah McLachlin, Faith Hill, Mariah Carey. Singing is just icing on the cake...and I don't care for Britney's style of music at all.
Toni Halliday of Curve is stunning. There's poster with her and her bandmate, Dean Garcia in thier "Horror Head" single LP. I framed mine.
Tori Amos... If you've never seen her perform (even on TV) you should check it out... I've never wanted to be a piano bench so badly in all my life. ALso, if we're being thorough, Milla Jovovich, from Dazed and Confused, THe Fifth Element, and The Messenger, is a Revlon Cover Girl,a highly paid model, and Yep, she has a band. SHe actually is pretty good. Diana Krall is fairly hot on her CD, perhaps it really isnt representative though. Jeez, you guys missed so many... Heather Nova, Madonna, Jewel?Eck! Toni Braxton, Vanessa Williams(oops, Jsbail beat me), Fiona Apple, Baby Spice (lol), THe other Chick that sang with Cass, Jennifer Love Hewitt (yep, she's got an album), Sheryl Crowe, Aimee Mann, 2 of the Bangles, Belinda Carlilse, 1 chick from Wilson Phillips, 2 members of Banannarama, Stevie Nicks from the "Rumours" era, Paula Cole ? it depends on the angle. Nancy Sinatra was hot(for a second), Marilyn Monroe ("She sang"...)well, that's all I got right now, but I'll be back.