Who is Most Beautiful female singer ever

I say Jewel and Debbie Harry.
Margo Timmins of Cowboy Junkies, as it turns out, is drop dead gorgeous. I just found that out via a recent Cowboy Junkies 90 min. VHS tape of a live concert. The tape quality, both video and audio, wasn't all that great but I enjoyed it greatly as they are a favorite of mine. BTW, it's available at www.cowboyjunkies.com. Psst....I also like Diana Krall (sorry Margo). Cheers. Craig
I gotta tell you, John_1, if you've ever seen Cecilia Bartoli sing in person, you'd probably think differenly about her. One word--freaky. I must publicly note, however, that I think that this post is ridiculous. We really need to stop judging all of a woman's other values after the way that she looks. Besides, most of us, or at least many of us, listen to two channel hi-fi systems. What does a person's appearance matter in this circumstance? Go ahead and tell me that, no matter what I do, many men will continue to judge women by their physical appearances, just as many women will judge men by their money. That won't stop me. I will fight on!
to Kurtisjeffers......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA........get over it mamas boy! lololol