Who is Most Beautiful female singer ever

I say Jewel and Debbie Harry.
What do you like better sugar or spice? How can there be one? There are too many. I certainly agree with many of the above but what about Josephine Baker for pure passion. What a looker. Another little cutie from Brazil, if anyone remembers is Susha. She sang to the kiddies and was really a big deal in Brazil and made an impact at least in Florida. I'm sure another big part of her success was daddy was watching her approvingly in her tight cut shorts and revealing top. She was married to Pele at one time. What a babe. I could look at her 24 hours a day. This thread is about babes that sing as much as talent, right?
If we MUST get into purely musical beauty, I'd have to also nominate Shirley Horn-- a spectacular voice. Never have seen a good picture of her though-- sometimes wonder why-- not important though.
Saw Sheena Easton in concert once, stunning. She was singing some jazz standards and did a fine job as well.
Tubegroover, I think you should know Sushia (shuxia?) was a porn star befor she played on the children's television shows in Brasil.
Shuxia, now there's a STUNNING woman. Those kids have no idea how lucky they are. I saw a feature on her once in the newspaper. Had to tune in just to see her. Wow!