Who is Most Beautiful female singer ever

I say Jewel and Debbie Harry.
Tubegroover, I think you should know Sushia (shuxia?) was a porn star befor she played on the children's television shows in Brasil.
Shuxia, now there's a STUNNING woman. Those kids have no idea how lucky they are. I saw a feature on her once in the newspaper. Had to tune in just to see her. Wow!
Well I should have at least gotten the spelling right since I have one of her albums! Got it for my 3 year old nephew (yeah, sure) who turned flush everytime he heard her sing. Great bubble gum pop. Yes Wsmatau I know about her. She was quite the rage when I first visited Brazil in the late 80's. From all accounts she is also quite a good businesswoman. If it weren't for Pele's support (he's a god in Brazil on the order of MJ here), she very well may have remained in the porn industry. She was absolutely great with the kids and it was unlike anything I have ever seen here. A show with cross appeal to children and adults (men) as noted above. Even the women liked her.