Who is Most Beautiful female singer ever

I say Jewel and Debbie Harry.
Just saw Joss Stone last night. The "hippieish" (is that a word) blue-eyed soul singer w the great voice has grown up!!! Incredibly powerful and soulful voice, v. tight band, charming, sweet stage presence, great English accent, short, short, skirt and legs that never quit. I don't know whether I want to adopt her or (fill in the blank) her. The whole package. Go see her tour if it's nearby!!!!!!!!!!
Ive never heard Joss Stone but heard of her. I just Google image searched her and was able to fill in your blank quickly.
Donjr- My wife and I both had exactly the same reaction although I was about 40% on the adoption side while she was 60% ;-) But give her a listen; her voice has got power and delicacy and she now has a little more life experience under her belt to interpret the soul/bluesy numbers. A big part of her appeal in a live performance (I've been a fan for years of her recorded work) is how charmingly she interacts w the audience; a refreshingly anti-diva persona. She had the audience eating of the palm of her hand from the first second. The whole package.
OK, Jane then.

No wait, OK Natalie then...

Or maybe Joss?

Can't choose. Definitely not a Cher guy though...