Music for "Tough Times"

When you're feeling lousy, or maybe just had a tough day, what one LP, CD, tape, etc. do you play to make you feel better? In my case it's Cowboy Junkies CD "The Caution Horses". Margo Timmins voice is at once soft and soothing, but also haunting and immediate. This is music that I can get lost in. What music do others use on occasions like this?
This thread reminds me of one of the fundamental axioms of
the human condition: You can't decide / control what you
feel, but you CAN control the environment which you respond to. And for this purpose: The sounds of silence, by Simon and Garfunkle.

The Call "Let the Day Begin". Up elevator
Beethoven "Moonlight Sonata". Down elevator.
Supersession, with Mike Bloomfield, Al Kooper, and Stephen Stills. A couple of the cuts truely suck (Kooper gets self-indulgent on the organ), but the rest are as good as electric blues gets.
Disintergration by The Cure. Painful by Yo La Tengo
Mutations by Beck. Hal Wilner presents Weird Nightmare meditations on Mingus. The Replacements. Rum sodomy and the lash by The Pogues. God bless the child by Billie Holiday and What a wonderful world by the late Joey Ramone. ;)R