Techno Anyone?

Does any body on this forum every listen to techno type music? I do a little and am amazed at how good some of it actually sounds and it also tends to be very adventurous. Or are most of you the Tech*NO* crowd which I would understand.
Tim, It is "in sides" not "both sides".My bad.Their new " altogether" is much better than the "middle of nowhere" and it's a double disc album. Their older work also good (some track on par with 'snivi.." and insides..) but most lean toward the monotonous dance beats(good if you like it)

The " Felt mountain" from GOLDFRAPP is must have (and Allison is hot little...But you gotta get double CD's to get a glimpse of her on your computer). Tower records or CD NOW does carry this.

If you are in to ambient and something new try (and I have said this before) "the future sound of london"'s
'lifeforms" and "dead cities" and 'ISDN"
New moby how many have heard it and what do you think? I think it is a great follow to Play.
I'll try most anything, but I haven't had the desire to try "Techno". Maybe it's about time?
Here are some downtempo, lounge-beat compilations I find really cool that are not overly electronic -- all the "Bhudha Bar" (there are 5 to 6 double-CDs out by now) cds are great. Several "Hotel Costes" mixes produced by Stephane Pompougnac, these are all good. Double-cd compilations called "Paris Lounge", "Berlin Lounge" and now "Paris Lounge-2" are all good. Most cds by Theivery Corp or also under "Jet Society" are very good listening. Also, there are a ton of stuff under "Chillout" and everthing "IBIZA".