How much time do u spend listening.

A friend recently remarked that he sometimes goes two weeks without listineng to music from his sound system.Unless Iam away I listen to music every day for about 2 hours in the early evening and some days considerably more, on most weekends my system is turned on in the morning and left on most of the day to about 11pm.While I dont play music all that time its ready whenever I get the urge and can sit and lsten, occasionly my system will be used to provide background music but only when guests are present.Iam interested to hear how much time some of you spend actually sitting and listening to the music, or has this subject been covered before.
Hi Ssomsit; yes this topic has been covered before, but I think it's one of those subjects that needs to be brought up every once in awhile. I listen 3-5 hours every evening, sometimes while doing light reading. What I find interesting is the many times that I have to put the reading material down and let myself just get drawn into the music. Cheers. Craig
Ssomit, I evened out this stupidity for you. 2-3 hours every evening, full concentration, sort of concert like, sometimes classical, sometimes jazz, or pop, as the mood takes me. Sundays its tweaking, testing and also about 2-3 hours of concentrated listening, concert stile, usually together with the significant other, who being female has the better ears and is full of good and useful advice. Cheers,
OOps sorry, I should have evened out no-money, which I did, but others had been at the good work already before me! Ssomit got also voted down, hence my mistake. I guess it was the same person. Why does he not speak up? I just have no patience with these people. There is freedom of opinion, why don't they share their views with us ?
Thanks guys, I hopefully A'gon will be able to do something about the lone negative voter before too long before it cuts in to our listening time any further.
How much time I spend listening does not matter, it is never enough. Regards, Doug