Music to make you laugh by

No, I don't mean the text of a song as an example. Rather the musical content of a given piece of music, which by listening to it, be it in concert or at home in front of your rig, has made you laugh out loud or grin or smile, because it was funny or amusing in a clever way.
Katharina: Yes, the 101 Strings listed above (if you consider unintentional camp to be funny) and Victor Borge (SP) mentioned by Kitch. If you are under 40, you may have missed Mr. Borge. Although not always classical, many of the works of Henry Mancini show a great deal of humor (to me anyway).
Katherina: If you want funny classical "Music" There is Mozart's "Ein Musikalischer SpaB" (A Musical Joke). It's catalog number is KV522. ------ There is also Bedrich Smetana'a "Dance of the Comedians" ------ Next listen to Sir Malcolm Arnold's "Grand Grand Overture". In addition to the orchestra, it is scored for 3 vacuum cleaners, a floor polisher, and 4 rifles.
Not to mention some of the pieces from the suite Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Saens. Amusing but not "ha ha" funny. He wrote it for his own amusement but wouldn't permit it to be played in his lifetime. Ironically enough it is probably the most popular of all his music next to maybe Danse Macabre (sic) I think.
Thanks so far for all your posts. Greatly appreciated. Katharina, also Bach can be funny: His Coffee and his Peasant Cantata. Hilarious! Cheers