Favorite solo piano players...cds

I collect Erroll Garner,David Orsborn and David Lantz..plus
many others...I especially like solo piano...Does anyone
have recommendations...or favorite piano pieces?
Jim brickman John Tesh Also Narada has a double cd called piano solos it is a mix of all great players its in the new age section. Also along jazz lines you have david benoit
Richie Beirach on Concord. Yeah, Glenn Gould. Herbie Hancock made some solo acoutic albums in Japan in the late 70's...awesome, in this case, is not an overworked word.
Keith Jarrett is my favorite. Try these solo piano improvisations: Koln Concert (recorded 1975, two LPs on one CD); Bremen & Lausanne (1973, three LPs on a two CD set); Sun Bear Concerts (1976, six CD set)
Try the Telarc recording Rachmaninoff, A Window In Time cd (1998). The music is excellent and the recording of the Bosendorfer 290SE reproducing piano is stellar. It is absolutely one of the best recorded piano performances I have on disk. Some of the recordings by Evgeny Kissin are very good too and his performance is always on top.
