Candles are lit, lights are down low

....and your honey is in your arms...Now what music do you put on?
I am inspired by the some of the posts to a recent thread "Close your eyes and hear the music ?" to ask this question in an attempt to get more "value added" from my electronic investment.
thunders and i usually put on some ozzie.

when i'm with a woman, however, (a *real* woman - no offense thundie) it's all about chet baker, especially 'chet baker sings.'

sometimes edith piaf.
Geez....I really agree with Chet Baket...etc, but David99
has me thinking,... Maybe tonight I'll try some AC/DC or
some Gangsta Rap....any suggestions?
Geez....I really agree with Chet Baket...etc, but David99
has me thinking,... Maybe tonight I'll try some AC/DC or
some Gangsta Rap....any suggestions?

That's Baker (not Baket)....damn, never could type!