Best thread poster for 2001?

Who is the best thread poster for 2001. There have been some great posts during 2001. There seem to about 20 to 25 people who do a lot of the posting. All seem to have a great love of audio and a lot on knowledge and respect for others opinions. My vote would go to cfb.
please allow me to echo sean's excellent points. i, too, am honored to be a part of this forum and to share a bit of myself, as all who post here share of themselves. one important contributor to these threads and to the whole of audiogon, who so far's not been mentioned, is arnie chinta, a/k/a audiogon_arnie. he has had the patience, grace and good sense to allow these discussions to continue thru good times and bad this past year.

may 2002 be for all of us a better year than 2001. -kelly
I have to go with Kelly as well. Just when I least expect it, his twisted sense of humor drops me to the floor.

Tireguy: Thank you!

Sc53: I would love to take the credit for that, but I am pretty sure you are talking about Tekunda. I agree with you on the job he did, and I commend him as well.
I enjoy the honestry, the passion and the expertise....I have a lot to learn, and much I'll never understand. I really appreciate the chance to pick other peoples' brains. But mostly its the passion, the love of the music....but there are times I'm simply in awe. Everyone Sean mentioned I read. Yes, and Sean too. The viewpoints are food for thought. Happy new year. Here's to 2002. May it be even better than we may imagine.
Agree with all the above nominees. Have to add Sdcampbell to the list. Besides making well thought out, articulate contributions in general, his incredible input to the thread "Jazz Recommendations" (surely a Hall of Fame thread) alone make him a candidate.

We're fortunate to have all of these guys (and gals).
I don’t have a favorite to post because you all have been so helpful to others and myself. I have learned sooo much by reading in all the forums. I spend a lot of time going through all the forums so I don't waste your time answering the same questions over and over. I sincerely thank all of you for the patience and very helpful information. I know it has saved me a lot of money and heartache.

May we all get more toys in 2002 and learn how to hide our receipts better. (OUCH)!
Happy New Year!