Best Receiver Ever Made short of the MD-208

Building that 3rd room(basement) system for the fun of it! Whats the best receiver to build a 2-channel with CD and turntable around? I've like the SR-3A Nakamichi,..but what have you liked?
I'll give a resounding second vote in favor of the Nakamichi SR series receivers, SR-2/3/4. Without doubt, the best sounding receivers ever made. Also, extremely reliable & well built. Exactly the opposite is true of any NAD receiver- built like crap & horribly unreliable(and those of you with experience to the contrary, trust me, you're just lucky). The Yamaha R-2000 was OK, built well enough, but the amp uses a very unreliable hybrid IC 2-channel driver module that is very, very unavailable now. And the discrete Yamaha receivers since then have been gritty as heck on top & tend to blow up rather frequently.
My second favorite receiver, next to the Naks, is the McIntosh MAC1700 tube/ss hybrid. Superb sounding tuner & very nice on the whole. And totally bulletproof.
My opinions are based on being both an audiophile & a servicer of high-end audio for over 20 years.

Stephen Sank
Carver receiver 2000 in the mid 80's was unique with the Sonic Hologram circuit,Carver TX tuner and magnetic field amplifier even remote control.
I would have to say that the Nakamichi RE series of receivers were the best that I had heard. They were limited in that their was only so much power that a limited supply could put out, but they had a very easy way about themselves. I sold them when I was in the business over 7 years ago and I still have friends who have them in their systems. A good product at a reasonable price for many who just want to turn it on and listen non-critically.
The Armstrong receiver made in England in the 80's was the best I ever heard. Rated at 30 watts. Had tremendous dynamic headroom and beautiful sound. Very close to the Naim 42/110 separates. The analog tuner was superb. Great phono section too. It was a low flat syled unit with a wood case and looked cool. Totally out of the mainstream, but really good.
If your talking vintage you would have to consider the Sansui Eight Delux deep bass,smooth throught midrange and crystal high's possibly the best sounding sansui ever not as powerfull as it's bigger brothers but sound wise quite the piece of work and has driven any speaker load with ease,for the price of one even if a re-cap is needed dollar for dollar a tough act to follow!