Is it possible for something to be the best?

Since there really is not difinative standard when it comes to musical reproduction, is it possible for a piece of equipment to be the best. Or will there ever be "the best system"?
Live music is the sound we are trying to reproduce but even that varies from venue to venue. I'm guessing not many people have actually had a live band/orchestra play in their listening room so to what are we comparing our systems? Can we trust our memory to acurately remind use what a concert we heard several hours, days, or years ago sounded like? Is it realistic to compare my listening room to a $50,000,000 dollar theater designed specificly for the arts?

I'm obviously not suggesting we quit trying but is this hobby/obsession an exercise in futility?
I've been wondering for a long time if the best componant in a great system isn't the listeners imagination. Any comments?
Can God create a rock so heavy that he can't lift it? Not for me I'm an atheist in audio as well as religion. No bests here.
There is always a best in every category. If you don't believe me, simply as a manufacturer of any product and they'll surely be able to tell you what is best and why : ) Sean
Sean, if I asked every maker line level pre-amps which is best each one will have a reason why theirs is it.
I didn't start this thread to make a mockery of all the equipment out there or marginalize everyones system. I just wonder if it's possible for anything to really be the best. As an example; SETs measure badly but sound great, at least to their buyers. If both of those statements are true can SETs ever be considered to be the best?
It has been said that pursuing sensation dulls the feelings. Is pursuing the best system actually dulling our ability to enjoy listening to music?
No, there is no "best." It would be undemocratic and elitist to think so!

At the very most there is a "best of the moment" which closely resembles Andy Warhol's comment that "we will all be famous for 15 minutes." Fortunately, for the manufacturerers this is just long enough for us to have spent our money. Unfortunately, when the moment passes you are likely stuck with yesterday's hype and nothing goes stale faster than yesterday's hype.

Time to upgrade!!

I remain,