What's your favorite lyric from a song?

Just curious what stays with people...
Greg Brown has written some great lyrics. Check out his prose from the song, Whatever it Was, from Slant 6 Mind. Here's a couple of lines from that tune in case you're too lazy to use the link or don't want to read the whole thing:

Like a guy in a bra it's the idea that counts, It's a picture of a picture of a whore holding a picture of a john.

An electronic head and feet of clay, gonna be a lotta roadkill on the Information Highway, Someone stole the video of the everfresh and lovely dawn.
"Seventy-six trombones led the big parade, with one-hundred and ten cornets right behind....." Come' on guys, we all love rock and roll, but let's please give some credit to Robert Preston and Shirley Jones. They were simply wonderful together !!
still you angle for your options
You argue for your case
You wouldn't know a burning bush
If it blew up In your face

John hiatt