Best redbook CD playback system for $30k

I have $30k to spend on a stereo system to play back redbook CDs. I like very natural and dynamic "live - you are there", sound and need to fill a 28' x 30' room with 12' ceiling with clean moderate to slightly loud music. I listen to all types of music with emphasis on jazz and classical. There is no "wife approval" to be factored in here so size and shape does not matter. Only the music mattters. I do need to be able to go out and buy this system so all components must be NEW and readily available for purchase. What would you buy?
Gee, one useful answer out of 7 replies (thank you Wellfed). I guess everyone is in a joking mood today.

I am serious. I have $30k saved up to buy the redbook CD playback SYSTEM of my dreams. (Sytem means CD player, preamp, amp, speakers and all interconnects.) And of course I am going to audition the components before I make a purchase. That's why I say NEW and readily available. Sure you can save money by buying second hand from Audiogon, etc. but unless the seller is in your area and is willing to let you try components, you cannot easily audition the piece.

I'm looking for a starting point. I am looking for suggestions from people for good components that will fit this price range. And yes, I only care about redbook CD. Forget SACD, DVDA, vinyl, etc.


Thanks for the suggestions. I took a quick look on the web and your system appears to be very good bang for the buck. I will look for these components in my area and have a listen. Just curious, what do you use for interconnects?

Thanks again.
new equipment what's that? used $30k system will beat $75k new system.
used Genesis 201 speakers $15,000
used current spec VTL 450 amps $6,000
used GNSC Statement Wadia 861 CD player $6,000
used XLO Limited Ed. IC's $1500
used XLO Ulimited Ed. speaker cables $1500
total $30k or less used $
Best redbook playback I've ever heard is the Meitner. Since you're loking for two channel, go with the DCC2. Then, you just need amps and speakers.
OK, I'll play...
Exemplar mod'ed Denon 2900 universal player ($3.5k)
Placette passive ($1.2k)
Jena Valkyrie 1m rca ic x 2 ($5k-$6k ?)
Stellavox mono's with Goldmund Job 4 ($2.8k)
Supra power cords x 2 ($.5k)
Tonian Lab TLM-1 ($14k...uses raven 1 tweeter and PHY 30HP driver...98db/16 ohm...I had a hard time believing the stellavox was the right amp too until I heard it...I have lots of great SET's that sound really good too with these speakers)
Symposium rack ($2k)

System Total = about $30k retail

I never would have put this system together six months ago but today if this is what I was spending I don't know what else I would put together that would sound as good.

In my system I use the
Meitner DCC2, CDSD front end
Stealth Supra IC
Goldmund 18.4 mono's
In place of their above listed counterparts.