Best equip stands

Heard mana is pretty good.Any others?Do these really make a difference.Any great and effective surge suppressors that does not veil the sound?
Nreddy- I here they are really good, I've heard them in systems and enjoyed the sound- however they take a while to get and seem somewhat expensive for what you get. I know there are DIY versions available(probably from Jon Risch over at AA) that can by built for pennies on the dollar of what a mana actually costs.

Sorry I missed your question earlier, I don't have a lot of experience with power conditioners in enviroments that I would feel comfortable making suggestions.
Labtec, does it really matter who told me about this mechanical break-in? There's no snake oil to sell here.

Mechanical break-in for certain products following certain methodologies either exists or does not. You don't make it false and I don't make it true.

Besides, it was not me who brought up this subject (although I have in other threads). I was simply confirming what TWL said above with what I previously heard as well as describing my own experiences from several years ago and even more recently.

It would seem to me that mechanical break-in (or settling) is actually easier to comprehend than cable burn-in. Surely you don't believe in cable burn-in do you?

And since you obviously cannot attribute any experiences to mechanical break-in, I would hardly think that qualifies you as an expert on the subject.

Shoot, I can't even prove that you exist. But that doesn't mean that you don't.

The only reason I confirmed the mechanical break-in is because people like you might try a coupling-designed rack like the Sistrum and after one day of evaluation might come to the conclusion that the rack is sonically inferior to a box of sand, kitty litter, a bicycle inner-tube, or perhaps a tennis ball simply because they did not provide enough time for things to settle in.

Stehno...I don't really follow you, but you're absolutely right.."I cannot attribute any experiences to mechanical break-in improvement"...That's why I asked the question... I'm pretty darn certain no one can, since it doesn't exist or would be close to impossible to prove.

Nevertheless, if it definitely exists in your world, then so be it. I would argue though that your explanation clarifies the issue even less than most "snake oil" claims.

BTW, I'm still open to a better explanation, but this seems to be going nowhere, so we'll just leave this as a point of disagreemnt.
Labtec, you made the statement, "I'm pretty darn certain no one can, since it doesn't exist or would be close to impossible to prove."

Do you really think that is a credible statement? And of course, I'd love to know how you know that one.

As for proving that mechanical break-in or settling does or does not exist, simply purchase a Sistrum platform following all of their guidelines and wait 7 to 10 days.

Far from impossible to prove or dis-prove I'd say.