THE05: Audiogon Internet Cafe: comments

THE05: StTropez LowerLobby Stacy is a babe!
I enjoyed the Audiogon Internet Cafe alot.

I was very pleased to meet Arnie and Steve and Albert Porter there, and of course, Stacy.
I used the terminals for checking on auction prices, and for keeping abreast of what was happening on Audiogon too.

I agree that Stacy is one beautiful woman, and I found out by talking with her that her sweet personality is at least as beautiful as her looks. She was a great choice for a hostess at the Internet Cafe.

Arnie and Steve are great guys, and I enjoyed talking with them, and had lunch with them too. They have made the high-end audio world better with their work and dedication.

Of course, I've known Albert by telephone for years, but this was the first time that I got to meet him in person. He's a real comedian, and also one of the most knowledgable people about audio that anyone could ever meet. We're very fortunate to have Albert on this website, and I feel privileged to be able to call him my friend.

All-in-all, a great exhibit, and a great time had by all.
I managed to get in Stacy's good books by showing her the little tool that lives hidden under the top cover of that Brother label maker. This allows the backing to be peeled off easily. She was not aware of the tool inside the machine, and had been complaining how hard it was to remove the backing - so I got a big smile from her everytime I dropped by. That was so worth it! She does have a lovely personality.
