What's The Best Blooming Tube Amp?

When people think of tubed power amps, they think primarily of descriptive terms like warm tonal balance, harmonically rich and midrange bloom.
But many tube amps, particularly more modern varieties, tend to be voiced to have more of a neutral sound.

The power amps of old, like the Leak Stereo 20 and the Quad II's were warm, rich and full of that 'tube magic', wheras some of the amps from Audio Research and even perhaps some of the bigger Cary's tend toward a more neutral tonal balance.

So, what are your favorite tubed power amps that are renowned for their midrange bloom and harmonic richness?
Forget about those attempts at trying to combine Solid State attributes with tube-like qualities, what's the best blooming tube amp you've ever heard?

You want rich, warm, lots of bloom, good bass? Try the Primaluna Prologue 1 or 2. Tonally it's a delight - very easy to listen to and at a great price. Lots of tube magic as you call it and very responsive to tube rolling. It ain't perfect by some margin but for $1100 to $1350 you can't go wrong. I'm seeing a few used ones showing up for less than $1000 on the 'gon, but not mine. I'm really enjoying it.
The ARC VT130 is one heck of a bloomer .... especially with KT88s. This is an absolute incredible performer at the often seen A'gon price of $1700. Even today I wish I had kept mine.
My Audio Note Soro SE is pretty darn neutral and still full of bloom.

I do not know how they do it and I do not care :)