its all about the music,no way hose

is it really?

i posted a thread a few weeks ago asking why everybody got into high end gear & some of the responses got me thinking about this.

ok heres the deal,i constantly read the phrase"its all about the music" but is it really,i dont believe so,in a hobby where enthusiasts change gear as often as their socks i find that statement real hard to believe allmost like a herion addict claiming back pain is why he shoots up that crud.

ive seen guys spend upwards of $10,000 xtra for a special finish on their speakers,is that all about the music,how about paying high dollar for the same paint used to paint ferrari sports cars is that all about the music or how about the whole WAF deal where guys claim they are selling due to the wife not liking the way somthing looks no matter how good it sounds.

ive picked up alot of gear in person & ive seen where guys have $50,000 rigs but thier music collection is less than 50 discs or albums now that cant be all about the music.

just once i'd love to hear somthing honest like im in this hobby beacuse i love the gear,the way i see it is that this hobby is no different from say a guy collecting guns or sports cars or even motor cycles(my other hobby) or rare coins so why the big deal admitting it.

dont get me wrong i listen alot & since i dont watch television ever i listen more than most but its never been all about the music with me & it never will be,with me its about having fun with trying out different peices of gear & pride of ownership or even scoring on a very rare peice,sure, listening to music on a rig that produces music on a level that 99% of the population will never hear is a good thing but i find it very hard to believe thats the reason for most guys being in this hobby.

whats your thoughts?

I was so proud of myself. I am actually using my old Luxman R-1030 receiver for the sound of its headphone output rather than the just as old Optonica which looks a lot cooler just because it sounds better. It was a tough decision. So there is some truth in what he says. Dlr
I think the music is a given. Getting into high end audio is asking about just that. I'd assume that we were all into music to begin with. Some people get into gear, and I even have to catch myself from listening to gear too much. If you're not taking the time to enjoy the music, then it's defeating the purpose.

Good Post
You're probably right about a good number of audiophiles, even some here on Audiogon. They're equipment junkies masquerading as music lovers. It's shameful.
If it was all about music, this site wouldn't exist. We'd be off chatting on some other site about music, and only about music. The fact is that we all have a nutty level of attachment to our equipment. Otherwise, we wouldn't be here, arguing over cables, hawking our "best evers" in a classifieds section, or posting spring semester class pictures of our audio children. Sure, music is a part of it. But for anyone participating in this conversation, it's a little about the music, and a lot about the stroke. Nice system, by the way, Onhwy61. Pass it on.
...or posting spring semester class pictures of our audio children.

My kids graduated "Summa Cum LOUD"!

Paradigm shift!
About eight years ago I'm walking to work because of a transit strike and I happen upon a sale in a church hall that some guy, liquidating the contents of three of his four homes, is conducting. Records flashed in my mind so that's a good reason to be late to work besides the strike. Asian statuary, lavishly framed art and wow, that old component set looks way retro cool with those blue meters. I rave to my girlfriend about them but she says they look too 50s. At $40.00 I thought that I'd research them before I waste my cash, besides I have a $400.00 Pioneer receiver with all the bells, whistles and lights. I leave and she comes back later in a cab and buys those heavy ass things. Gota love her.
Later that evening I hook em up to what I could see. Wow what cool meters...wonder if it will blow up my speakers if hook em up? What the heck. Five minutes later I'm dropin a needle on to an LP and suddenly my world is inside out. Those components are at least 30 or 40 years old but... I put on another LP and I'm looking at my Pioneer like it's a sheep in wolfs clothing. My entire LP collection was suddenly undiscovered territory.
I haven't looked back. Is it the equipment, maybe, but at the time of my paradigm shift I already had 5000 LPs.