its all about the music,no way hose

is it really?

i posted a thread a few weeks ago asking why everybody got into high end gear & some of the responses got me thinking about this.

ok heres the deal,i constantly read the phrase"its all about the music" but is it really,i dont believe so,in a hobby where enthusiasts change gear as often as their socks i find that statement real hard to believe allmost like a herion addict claiming back pain is why he shoots up that crud.

ive seen guys spend upwards of $10,000 xtra for a special finish on their speakers,is that all about the music,how about paying high dollar for the same paint used to paint ferrari sports cars is that all about the music or how about the whole WAF deal where guys claim they are selling due to the wife not liking the way somthing looks no matter how good it sounds.

ive picked up alot of gear in person & ive seen where guys have $50,000 rigs but thier music collection is less than 50 discs or albums now that cant be all about the music.

just once i'd love to hear somthing honest like im in this hobby beacuse i love the gear,the way i see it is that this hobby is no different from say a guy collecting guns or sports cars or even motor cycles(my other hobby) or rare coins so why the big deal admitting it.

dont get me wrong i listen alot & since i dont watch television ever i listen more than most but its never been all about the music with me & it never will be,with me its about having fun with trying out different peices of gear & pride of ownership or even scoring on a very rare peice,sure, listening to music on a rig that produces music on a level that 99% of the population will never hear is a good thing but i find it very hard to believe thats the reason for most guys being in this hobby.

whats your thoughts?

128x128bigjoe comments were entirely tongue in cheek...I love the look of the Rowland gear personally more than any other gear on the market...I also see the industrial art side of our hobby and have appreciation of the work that goes into the case design itself.

Had my comment's been about a tube based would have been the Vac Phi stuff as I think that is beautiful gear also.

Some of this gear should be in MOMA as far as I'm concerned.
Back in the early 70's I did have this beautiful Macintosh amp and if you put a wig on her and some lipstick...oh excuse me, wrong forum.
I see it just like anything else. If you love golf, you will slowly upgrade your clubs, etc. to get the best. Your real joy is playing the clubs, although it feels good to just have them.

If you are into riding bikes seriously, you are going to eventually get a better and better bike to ride, not just to display.

I think it's just natural to try to polish and upgrade whatever you are into.

I think some people go overboard and compare and try to tweak the sound a majority of the time, but I like having things set up and knowing that all I need to do it hit play or drop the needle.
Marco you have all together too much time on your hands!

Guido is the user name audioperv going to appear and guidocorona disappear?
What an intriguing idea Nrchy! Audioperv sounds like a perfectly wicked moniker to me!