Vote for best US made solid state amp

Let's vote for best solid state amp ,made in US The choices are Spectral,Krell,Jeff Rowland,Pass......
I second the previous opinion that Clayton Audio M70 may be the best solid state for under $10,000. Bought it over the ML 333 ( and I thought the 333 was better than the Krell). The modestly rated 70W is really misleading, as the M70 outputs 200Amp of current during peak.
Rowland gets my vote. A little obscure - I wonder if that's why there are not other rave reviews about the JRDG amps in posts to this Q. If you ever get the chance to listen to a rowland on a high end pair of ribbons or electrostats - give yourself the treat. The experience brought tears to my eyes. I had been demoing all the big names on electrostats, and stumbled across rowland. The price hurts, but that fact that he is a true purest shows up in his amps. It's not about the money, market share or acalades, it's all about the music. Much to my chagrin - I think if there were some prudent US marketing being done, more people would be aware, experience the difference, make the investment, and more marketshare would bring the prices down to where us mear mortals could share in the glory. Such is the way of the purest... Happy listening to you all - Echotalk
Most of what was posted is true, regarding great good 'ol USA made products. I've owned PS Audio, Krell, Levinson over the years, and have to qualify two amps first.. The Plinus 50 monos are superb and great value, as are the YBA products, but for built in USA; the Threshold gear is about as smooth and coherent as it gets. It doesn't do all things great and misses the point in the bass, lower registers, but what a fast, transparent top end and neutral mid range. With great cables and front end, this unit in single ended or balanced, is just musical. I prefer the single ended due to a slight improvement in intimacy and bloom. Very pleased to learn they are back on the planet doing business. Also readily available in the after market trade.
I would also go with the Clayton M70s. I picked up a pair about 2 months ago and these amps are unbelievable.