Vote for best US made solid state amp

Let's vote for best solid state amp ,made in US The choices are Spectral,Krell,Jeff Rowland,Pass......
Canada is about to invade and take over the U.S. so here goes. Bryston 7b's I would put against most U.S amps.... especially the Krell. I did enjoy the levinson 33h's better than the Bryston so I guess they would be my favorite if I was Bill Gates and didn't know what to do with all that money, and even if I did have all that dough I wouldn't pay the difference. 4x the cost for about 5% improvement at most. It kind of also depends on what speakers you mate with the amplifier doesn't it. At least for my ears.
That was cool. everybody just kept posting right past carls prior post. Why do we have to keep rebuking you carl? Yes you have a good point but if we get enough people casting their vote then we can see a patern as to what the largest number of people like. Thereby narrowing the bad buy factor. And can give someone a good idea of where to start. And if they explain why they like it then we will have a good idea of it's characteristics. It just helps to point the way. But dude Wus up with just wanting american amps?
Oh yeah. I vote for spectral for great tone and amazing transparency, speed, imaging, and air.