Moving to New Zealand from USA Now What?????

OK so do I sell all my equipment, Buy new Stuff once I hit NZ or do I take it and Have it converted?

How available is audiophile gear in NZ?

My system consists of
Myryad pre amp
Toshiba sd-9200
Rel Storm
Mesa Boggie Baron
Citation 5.1 amp



One note: power converters are known to reduce the longevity of the devices to which they are attached. I don't know how significantly, but military personnel are forewarned of this when bringing electric items to Europe and Asia; I can only assume the same is true for NZ.

Nevertheless, I'm jealous! Have fun down there. :)
Vongwinner I must second the Cormandel penninsula. Absolutely beautiful beaches. Eldartford didn't mention the sand flies though. My first experiance with them was at Hotwater beach. They don't itch at first but late at night you wake up scratching like mad! You get use to them though. From there cruise down to Rotorua and if your in shape try the Tongariro crossing. It's south of Taupo in the national park. Anyway I could go on but suffice to say there's a lifetime of stuff to see and do there. By the way Kiwis are crazy. Blackwater rafting, bungi jumps ect. Get in shape now!
Thanks to all for the advise, both about the equipment issue, and where and what to do in NZ.

I think that I will bring most of the audio equipment with me as it does not seem to be a big deal to convert it! Sumiko (the us distributor for REL) Was particularly helpful

All the sheep jokes aside, I am looking forward to moving!