New gears?

Hey yous guys,

Guess what -- the word "gear" is a plural form without the added "s" when used in the context of audio (or any other) type of equipment. When I think of "gears," it's usually in the context of individual mechanical gears, like those found in a watch or a multi-speed bicycle. I don't believe it should be used to refer to individual components.

Am I wrong? Is "gears" also acceptable when used in this context? It sounds very odd to me. Any English scholars out there?
New gears? Only for my Ford Mustang! I like 3.73:1 gears the best. They really get you in the powerband quick. And when I'm not "banging gears," I can haul most of my gear in the back with the seats down (sans speakers). All my gear.

Though I wish I'd kept the 2.73:1 gears. The stereo gear would slide around less since I'd be shifting gears less often. And we all know _shifting gears_ will definitely cause your _gear to shift_. That's a lot of gear! gears? :-/ I need to lie down. (or is it *lay*, LOL. pun not intended!) I NEED HELP!
2.73 gears? what do you want to do 250mph? 4.11 tops out at 160 mph but will do it in 1/4 mile or is it 1/4 miles. I was never any good at English!
Plato: No, it is not proper useage in the US, but it "kits" Vs "kit" perhaps proper?
Yeah guys, 3.73:1, that was my favorite gear too, for my '67 Z28 Camaro back in the day. 4.11:1 had great bottom end and midrange power but rolled off the top end, whereas the 2.73:1 had great top end but no bottom octave horsepower... Always trade-offs!