Wall Outlets? Whats the difference?

I have heard people talk of changing out the wall outlets. It is supposed to help the sound from what I've heard, but how? Does anyone know what the benifit is? What kind should I be looking for and where could I get them? Thanks!!
Try a hospital grade outlet like an Arrow Heart or Hubbell, if you notice an improvement, consider more 'fancy' ones. It'll set you back less than 10 bucks. They do make a difference.

PS Audio's Power Port duplex wall outlets sell for $49.95 ea. These are the best that I have seen in the marketplace. They are polished, nickle-plated over copper contacts with triple blade wipers for the best electrical connection possible with very little corrosion over time. The are worth every penney! Go directly to the PS Audio website or they are available mailorder from Music Direct and AudioAdvisor.

The benefit is better materials and increased contact / conductivity. A $2 outlet can only be expected to do so much.
When I installed a pair of 20 amp lines I went with the Arrow-Hart hospital grade outlet. Frankly, I didn't expect a change in sound and in my subjective opinion I didn't get one. What I do like though is the greater tension applied to the plugs. When using a stiff power cord I've experienced some tendency for the cord to pull the plug partially out of the socket. The greater tension offered by the hospital grade outlet helps keep the plug fully seated.