Wall Outlets? Whats the difference?

I have heard people talk of changing out the wall outlets. It is supposed to help the sound from what I've heard, but how? Does anyone know what the benifit is? What kind should I be looking for and where could I get them? Thanks!!
When I installed a pair of 20 amp lines I went with the Arrow-Hart hospital grade outlet. Frankly, I didn't expect a change in sound and in my subjective opinion I didn't get one. What I do like though is the greater tension applied to the plugs. When using a stiff power cord I've experienced some tendency for the cord to pull the plug partially out of the socket. The greater tension offered by the hospital grade outlet helps keep the plug fully seated.
I too am a big believer in good quality outlets. I've used audio grade Hubbells @ 2 for $25. from The Cable Co., also Acme silver plated for $30. each-- these can also be cryo treated. I also recommend Pass and Seymour hospital grade for their quality construction and good gripping capability-- available at most electrical supply stores for $10-12.

Good outlets help lower noice floor thus improving dynamics and detail, ie "silences" are more silent. It took the silver plated Acmes a full 30 days to breakin and start sounding good (they were too bright and had glare when new) and Michael Brinkman at Acme will tell you that-- and will refund your money after 30 days if you're not satisfied.

But you should realize that outlets aren't everything. They are best when used with a dedicated AC system and good quality power cords. Cheers. Craig
A good quality wall outlet should provide (1) greater surface contact area, like Creeper said, (2) better grip, like Beowulf said, and (3) be physically stronger to resist cracking from strains from heavy cable and from impacts. If the surface area is small, any corrosion or pitting would result in some slight voltage loss, some impedance to easy current flow, or possibly electrical noise from arcing. A better grip is important to keep the plug properly set in the socket to maintain full surface contact (as well as prevent electrical shock from exposed contacts or unintended disconnects). I have had cheap outlets crack from wear and impact from repeated use with vacuum cleaners, portable electric devices, etc. Of these three issues, perhaps the most important is better surface contact, because it is invisible but affects the electronics and could be audible.
I noticed an improvement when going to hospital grade outlets. Even commercial grade 20 amp outlets at 3.50 each are much better than stock, as noted above, much better grip and greater contact area.

I would certainly love it if someone could explain to me the difference between a good hospital grade outlet at 15.00 (from your local electral supply house) and PS Audio's and the other "audiophile" grade 50.00 ones. I can't see any rational at all in spending that much money on an outlet. But maybe someone out there as done a direct comparison and could enlighten us. Remember, when buying the hospital grade receptacle, DON'T tell them you're an audiophile :)

To me money would be much better spent by installing a 20 amp dedicated circuit or two. Cost for materials, including 2 hospital grade outlets, for a 50' run is about 60-70 bucks each circuit, and that is using 10 gauge romex instead of 12 gauge. No part of any system is greater than its weakest link. It is more important to look at the complete circuit and all materials used than any one single part.
I picked up a pair of Jena Labs Cryo outlets, they are a 15A/20A outlet..I have my monoblocks on them..I have to say I did not hear a difference compared to the Hospital Grade 20A plugs I had before..
