Powerful Integrated amp for Proac Super Tablettes

I'm looking for a powerful solid state amp to drive a pair of super tabs. I'm trying to spend less than $1000 new or used. Thanks.
Bryston b-60...around 1k used...very clean and dynamic...20yr transferable warranty
Some time ago, I auditioned three amps with the STs; the CJ CAV-50, Densen Beat 100 and Mesa Tigris. If you can find one, the Mesa Tigris is the best sounding amp out of them all. The Densen is a close 2nd.
Proac sounds great with the ARC line. I have Proac Response 1SC's with an ARC CA-50 integrated (about 45 watts per channel) and am in heaven. The ARC integrated sells for about $1500 used on this site. Note: it is a tube integrated, but I recommend it anyway, for Proac.
Thanks very much for all of your help, all. Zonus, I am looking for a powerful amp because I hear that the speakers are notoriously insensitive. And the friend I need this amp for has exhibited little interest in tubes. I have all sorts of tube recommendations for him. Thanks again for all of your suggestions.