Ever Have One Of Those Evenings?

Tonight, I went downstairs, turned on the system, and it sounded like crap. Within an hour I had:

>Discovered that one of my Thiel 2.2's has either a dead woofer (most likely), or a crossover or internal wiring problem. Testing to diagnose will commence tomorrow, tonight I'm too P.O.'ed.

>Additionally discovered that the tweeter on the other side is distorting badly, and will need the dome/voice-coil assembly replaced (again).

>Confirmed that my most costly set of interconnects has a bad jack connection (these are Harmonic Technology Magic Link Ones, which naturally feature a plug design that cannot easily be opened up for inspection or repairs without destroying the heat-shrink sleeve).

>Faced the distinct possibility that my futzing around behind the preamp trying to ascertain the culprit in the latter problem - without first turning down the volume - may well have been the cause of least one of the first two problems.

>Realized that now, not only can't I listen to my system the regular way, but since the OEM (non-standard) headphone amp output jack I got from Musical Fidelity's distributor to replace the faulty original in my X-Cans quickly developed the same exact problem as the old one (no right channel with either set of 'phones), I cannot even listen with my headphones for the time being, except through my CD-R recorder's wimpy monitoring jack.

Looks like I'm on a steady diet of cable movies and NPR for a while. (Way to go, Trent Lott: at least you'll be out-of-sight, out-of-mind by this time next week, you plastic-haired cretin - your plight is the one redeeming feature of my evening!)
Zaikesman, you could plug those guitar amps into cryo'd outlets!

Ever plugged into a Mesa Boogie guitar amp? What a sound for electric guitar! Nothing I have ever used like it! But I know you would need too much convincing......forget I brought it up. Good luck with the tweeter, and don't get the damn thing too hot(use some heat sinks) or shoes will start falling from the sky!
thedautch & Zaikesman -

I couldn't help but chime in here on the political comments re: Dems and Reps. yesterday I attended a teleconference broadcast from Washington on the "Patriot" act (yes the quotes are intentional) and the right to privacy and access to information. Until recently I subscribed to the belief that there wasn't a dimes worth of difference between the two. But, after hearing what Adolph Ashcroft and Chicken Little Bush have in store for Americans and for the Constitution: Be afraid. Be very afraid....
Maxgain - Although I'm partial to my vintage amps (guitar-wise, that is), lately I have been seriously thinking about beginning to audition some of the plethora of 'boutique' amplifiers available today, just to see if there's anything out there that could give me tone I like, yet be more flexible, dependable, and quiet. Don't even know where to begin with all the choices seemingly out there now. Though there have been some players whose sound I've liked who've used Boogie amps, that's never been my type of sound for me. But I'm sure as a company and product they are a prime inspiration for many of the present wave of 'hand-built' custom-ish jobs (though I wouldn't be surprised if trends in high end audio over the years have also played a part).

Slipknot1 - Caught a couple of academic law symposia on C-Span recently about that very subject, and not only couldn't I agree more, the plot has already been well underway for over a year now, but you're right, the ripple implications for the wider population won't be fully realized until after our present blinding fervor has waned. BTW, I noted today with satisfaction that W. has officially given Strom, Jr. the evil eye, so that limb he's out on is bending ever so tellingly. Now Daschle can try to 'splain why he gave his predecessor/successor an officially-stamped and personally-delivered pass on Monday, only to begin trying to pedal furiously in the backwards direction ever since. With as sharp and bold a political instinct as this on display in the Dem's de facto national political voice and leader, I'm afraid their loyal opposition won't have too much to worry about next time the curtains are drawn two years from now (at least not on the Senate Dem's account, anyway).
I am by profession a librarian and an IT person. I run the township network where I live as well as manage the library. The thought that the Feeble Bureau of Investigation can come into my site and confiscate servers, routers and paper records scares the bejesus out of me. The library is supposed to be a safe place, where one can come, ask any question, read any book and not be judged. During the teleconference I attended on Wed., a partner from the law firm of Ropes & Grey pointed out that many records produced by the Feds and available under the Freedom of Information act are no longer available; and the water reservoir data made available by the USGS is now being destroyed so as not to fall into the hands of "potential terrorists" US Govt Documents Depository Libraries are not recieving nearly as much any more as they once did. What's next? Soon we start recieving orders to destroy books on structural engineering, Flight manuals, Chemistry, Biology etc.? As an aside, Ashcroft has managed to roll the 1st ammendment violation known as CIPA into the patriot act as well. The district courts struck this law down as unconstitutional, but under the Patriot Act, it becomes fair game.
Slipknot--I know. I work in the Hall of the States, right near the Capitol, and sometimes I wish I didn't have my ear so close to the ground in this town. The things I hear are truly, truly frightening.