SPL meter recommendation

I don't own a handheld SPL meter and would like to get one. The only one we ever seem to read about is a Radio Shack model that's nice and cheap, but is always referred to as being not that accurate. (From what I can tell, it may not even come with any type of calibration disk, but I'm not sure about that). Without going crazy expensive, are there any up-a-level alternatives out there that might give even better results and come equipped with diagnostic tools? Or is there nothing in between the RS and full-on pro-caliber or remote-mic jobs?
Richingoth (Are you really? I know that's probably a name and the place you live, but I like the way it sounds as if it's your financial status and style preference!), that sounds like one hell of a handheld instrument. :-) Thanks for the reference, and to the other members' as well. Inpepinnovations, I guess "peak-hold" and averaging functions are useful in this regard.
There is also an analog SPL Meter made by Simpson model no. 886-2 and a calibrator. This is what I use.