No Audiophiles in Hollywood

A thought just came to me that a lot of movies show us the lives of fictional people doing the everyday things that real people do. However, we never see anyone sitting down and listening to a high end system.

The only thing that I can remember is when the billionaire played by Robert Redford put on an LP on what appeared to be a high end turntable in the movie "Indecent Proposal".

I have never seen exposed tubes on-screen, or an amp of any type for that matter. Big speakers, seems hifi does not fit the decor scheme of movie sets, or more realistically, audiophiles are rarer on earth than Klingons and Romulans and hollywood does not know of their existence.

It would seem that some of the well heeled actors, directors and producers would own a killer 2 channel system and periodically include one in a scene when the character has discretionary income.

We've all seen scenes with the wife complaining about the husband always watching sports, but never complaining about him pampering his hi-fi rig.

We've all seen characters with automobiles and other toys that we've envied, but never a stereo system to make you salivate.

Anyone ever see a hi-fi system onscreen worth mentioning?

Just a thought.
One of the Tomb Raider movies shows a brief glimpse of a Judy Spothiem turntable and Showtimes Californication often shows a Avid Turntable in the main characters apt.

Not really High end but the Italian Job shows and makes reference to a NAD receiver.
The footage of the Nakamichi deck in that movie had me salivating more than the forced sex scenes!
In Friends the can see a small pair of martin Logal Sequals in the background even though i never ever watched the ssssstupid show i was channel surfing one evening and noticed them
Hey Slappy, I have seen pleanty of MTV CRIBS for rock/rap/music stars that have killer in home recording studios, with PRO audio gear that us mortals can't even buy - so no need for dinky tweeky high end audio!