Walker Audio- High Definition Links- anyone

HAS anyone tried this product.Is there any sonic Value in using LINKS. DO you like them and why.If you don`t like them
why. Thank You
I have 5 pair of these in my HT setup. I have two (pair) on my center and voices cleared up a lot. These are very good everywhere in the room. Some setups my need more then one pair. THats happened in my room.
I've been using them for years, As above, put them on, you'll like the improvement , take them off for a listen and it'll be brief, they go back on. More natural, less extraneous "stuff". Well worth it.
The only thing that makes sense to me is that it could be a Zobel network.

I would think a Zobel would imply some type of impedance correction and I can't see how that could be universally applied. Walker's site mentions "very high frequency electronic noises" and RFI. I'm still guessing that it is a low pass filter up around the neighborhood of 20kHz.
Here is a link to a very thorough DIY project where you can build them for yourself. The guy really took time w/photos and sources for parts. It's a 36 page .pdf so it takes a while to load. It's on Alan Mahers site. Check it out!

