how to eliminate air-born RF

any ideas on how to eliminate airborn RF. I have disconnected all equipment from themselves and the ac outlet. Even shut off the main circuit breaker in the service panel. Have disconnected all video cabling and antenna wires. after all this, when I place my head behind my rack, which just holds my amps, I can here a humming noise similar to the ground like hum you hear from an electric guitar/amp combo or similar to a bad tonearm phono ground loop. With system wired up and operational, this humming is easily heard at idle on, with gain on preamp down. Again, this is occuring with nothing physical wired together or to the ac outlets and with all ac power shut off in the house. PLEASE HELP!!!
Help me to understand something here. You have everything disconnected from component to component and no AC applied to any component and you still have a hum coming from behind your component rack ? Sean
Tinfoil under my hat works for me...

Why do you think it's RF?

Do you live in a multi-unit dwelling of some sort or a house?

City or country?

What's downstairs, upstairs, and next to this room?

Sounds to me like something mechanical, not electrical, and it's causing some microphonics issues in your gear when it's on.
Mooncrikit sent me the following via email:

I live in a single story family housein the suburbs on a 1/4 acre lot. I moved my amps and preamp and speakers and cd source to the other side of the house with no change. The only part of my gear that would be sucseptible to
microphonics would be the preamp, which is tubed, but I borrowed a buddies AR-LS1 and the same [stuff] was happening. I figure its RF since I shut down the main circuit breaker to the service panel, unplugged all gear from each otherand the wall and can still hear a humming onlt in this area of the house.

Well, I have no idea unless you live next to a giant power transformer and didn't tell us.