Open-Minded or Gullible?

Since recently joining this discussion group I have learned a few interesting things, reevaluated some of my opinions (biwireing), and marveled at a most astonishing collection of quasi-scientific mumbo jumbo. (Sorry about that).

Because I really would like to pick up some useful information, I need to have a feel for the degree of credibility to be given to comments made here. Should I really run out and spend $2000 on speaker cables because someone says they sound good?

I have suggested that we all have a limit to what we think might be true, or at least worth a try. Some, like me, are conservative: for example I believe that loudspeakers and phono pickups improve with initial use, but not wires. Others are more open-minded/gullible (you pick the word). I made an attempt to determine how "far out" the Audiogon opinion spectrum extends by asking a question that I thought would be near the limit.
"Do you think that reversing the direction of a cartridge fuse can affect sound quality?" Apparently not far enough!

8 of 17 people who responded to this question (some made other comments) think that reversing a fuse would (or could) make a difference.

What question should I ask next. Do granite shelves of equipment racks need breakin? I already know that some say yes. Does the air in the listening room need breakin? I don't dare ask. Instead why not have you guys tell me (us) where you draw the line, with a few examples near that line which you accept and reject.

Please no one take offense. I don't care what you choose to believe, and you ought to be proud to state your position.
I remember years ago people saying that reversing the polarity of a plug made a difference, or that resistors and caps sound different depending on orientation. Sometimes things that sound crazy turn out to be true when actually tested. I have tried the fuse trick and it does make a difference. The easiest way is if you have monoblocks, simply do one, and then listen to something live, and hear what happens to the soundstage.

Good listening
I would be happy to answer the question, can you give me a minute to consult my magic eight ball?
Is it the reversing of the fuse, or the fact that the fuse contacts are improved when the fuse is pulled and reinstalled ? When the fuse was put back to its original orientation did the sound get worse ?

BTW the air in the listening room breaks in much faster if one drank quite a lot of beer the nigth before.
Quite a few have mentioned cleaning the fuse holder contacts. It is a scientific fact that contacts have resistance, but in practice the contact resistance of the fuse/holder is probably less than the fuse itself, and unlikely to change by removal/reinstalation of the fuse. IMHO, if the fuse holder is bad enough to make a difference you may have serious corrosion problems elsewhere in your gear.

Lets not get hung up on fuses. How about other tweeks?