Open-Minded or Gullible?

Since recently joining this discussion group I have learned a few interesting things, reevaluated some of my opinions (biwireing), and marveled at a most astonishing collection of quasi-scientific mumbo jumbo. (Sorry about that).

Because I really would like to pick up some useful information, I need to have a feel for the degree of credibility to be given to comments made here. Should I really run out and spend $2000 on speaker cables because someone says they sound good?

I have suggested that we all have a limit to what we think might be true, or at least worth a try. Some, like me, are conservative: for example I believe that loudspeakers and phono pickups improve with initial use, but not wires. Others are more open-minded/gullible (you pick the word). I made an attempt to determine how "far out" the Audiogon opinion spectrum extends by asking a question that I thought would be near the limit.
"Do you think that reversing the direction of a cartridge fuse can affect sound quality?" Apparently not far enough!

8 of 17 people who responded to this question (some made other comments) think that reversing a fuse would (or could) make a difference.

What question should I ask next. Do granite shelves of equipment racks need breakin? I already know that some say yes. Does the air in the listening room need breakin? I don't dare ask. Instead why not have you guys tell me (us) where you draw the line, with a few examples near that line which you accept and reject.

Please no one take offense. I don't care what you choose to believe, and you ought to be proud to state your position.
what KIND of fuses?

just kidding

I draw the line at raising wire off the floor even though I can believe the reasoning I just do not know (or care?) if I can hear the difference.
Good humorous thread. Thanks to Marco, after building my own Maple broomstick platform, I too have found Nirvana in my system and can finally hear that elusive booger in Diana Krall's left nostril. What a thrilling experience. My wife even gets choked up when we listen to the booger move. I did try a slight modification to the broomstick. I coated the broomstick with a special teflon coating and not only does it insert easier, but further protects from RFI/EMI entering the "orifice".
Glad folks enjoy the humor in the Ultimate Tweak. Thanks for the compliment Rlxl. Wish I had the disipline to write more since I always enjoy it when I do. Do check out my response to the iPod thread...I think you might enjoy that too if you liked the Ultimate Tweak. I'm still laughing at Slappy's revelation! Hey slappy did you try putting some vaseline on that Boba-Fett action figure and attaching him to the end of a broomstick on a maple stand and see what happens! A bit of epoxy ought to do it!

Tom, on a more serious note; I enjoyed your post. I don't know if being sucessful and smart makes one immune to the Power of Cheese as it were. Advertising thrives on smart successful people and I'd guess the majority of Audiophiles (rather the audio buying public at large) are not on this list and do not educate themselves as well as they could. When it comes down to it, oh so many people don't trust their own judgement when they think others know better. But I agree with you completely in that your own ears are the best judge and it doesn't matter what's producing the sound as long as it works for you. I think being gullible is not necessarily foiled by being smart or successful. There are plenty of mediochre products that survive out there, and plenty of examples of $2000 power cords made with $120 of materials and driven by tens of thousands in advertising and hype. Those companies seem to be surviving and thriving as well. Furthermore I've known many people, especially those with a whole lot of money, who are all too willing to purshase items (with very minimal knowledge and questionable guideance) solely to put on display the depth of their pockets and their good taste (again, don't know that many are on this list, but I'm sure there are some). It's the American Way after all...Keep up with the Jones's...well actually it is more realisticly "Show-up" the Jones's!

PS I need to order some more of that special Hamster feed you make for the amp you sold me. I'm running out and those little guys are burning it off real quick! I just got paid, so I'm going to take the Deluxe TWL Hamster Feed this time!

It's in her LEFT nostril? I must have an interconnect or speaker cable flopped because her snot flapping sounds a bit like its to the right of center stage.