can both balanced and unbalanced be used a once?

Having recently made my first foray into audio gear I now have some equipment hook ups to do before enjoying my recent purchases and am hoping someone can advise me on biamping.

I have two Classe amps, a Model 10 and a Model 70, both of which have plugs for balanced and RCA inputs. The preamp is a Classe Model 30 and it too has both balanced and RCA plugs for output.

Given the above my question is this:

Can I use both sets of preamp outputs, the balanced set (L and R) going to one amp and the RCA set (L and R) going to the other amp? Then one amp, say the one which utilizes balanced plugs, would be used to drive the L and R tweeters. The other amp with engaged RCA plugs would be used to drive the L and R woofers.

Seems to me that would work but I've never heard of it being done that way. Could someone please help?
I use balanced and unbalanced outputs to power one system in my office and the other in my living room. As many above have stated you will encounter problems using them in the same room. It might not be worth it.

One thing not to do: try and get fancy and use balanced and unbalanced inputs on the same amp at the same time, using the switch to go back-and-forth from one source to another.

Many amps double-up circuits and simply moving the switch back and forth will not isolate the systems.
Thanks for all the comments guys. It gives me some clarity on the various issues involved and possible options. From the sound of it no harm would be done by experimenting with using both sets of preamp outs simultaneously. Whether it will be beneficial, we shall see.

I emailed the manufacturer on this topic after hearing from a few of you as well and will let you know what they have to say.
To confirm most of the previous comments: The guy at Classe responds saying there is a 6 db output level difference between the balanced and RCA connections and for that reason using both simultaneously is not advisable.
He too suggested the use of a y connector to either one or the other set of preamp outs.