critical listening - i hear something i don't like

i need some help. I've been around this high end audio and theater thing for a while...but am just finally getting MY system close to the point where i really want to listen to it. I just upgraded a few components and actually (finally)hear 'air' in a movie i was watching this past week. The entire front collection of speakers dissappeared. WOW!.. getting very close to something good.. okay..enough background...

Here's what i need help with. In between these episodes of marvelous listening, when the movie track gets loud, the sound appears incoherent. There are three things i'm guessing i could attribute this to: 1.) the amp speaker relationship - either the speakers can't take the signal output by the amp, or the amp can't keep up with the signal. 2.) my room really does need some anti-reflective treatments - I have stuff in the corners.. but the side walls are bare (rectangular,sealed room, carpeted floor) 3.) the digital cable between DVD and PrePro may need some more thought

Any thoughts on where to focus my efforts? i explicitly didn't include a system description because i don't want to get into equipment conversations yet. If this thread gets interesting, i'll do that next

thanx in advance
You don't mention your equipment, but I would guess that you are experiencing deficiencies in your amp where the sonics become constipated, congested, and/or restricted on loud and/or complex and/or otherwise demanding passages.

Another reason why amp selection is so critical.

that actually was my first guess.. i recently updated my pre/pro from a proceed AVP to a Krell HTS 7.1 dynamics changed significantly

looking for more opinions... thanx for yours
that's something i should be working on anyway... i've done the first stage of treatment...and that made a significant difference. I have floor to ceiling bass traps in all corners... i actually had to turn down the gain on my sub