Broke and still not happy

I like new country and good old rock & roll. My system sounds sterile, flat sounding,not musical and harsh in the highs.I have been playing bass guitar in the same band for 35 years for a living,I think I know what music is suppose to sound like. This is my gear.
Sonic Frontiers Line 1se,Classe Cam 200s,North Star Design Dac&Transport,Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors,Rel sub.Cables are balanced Nirvana SL pre to amps,Nirvana SL to speakers and Nirvana SX from source. Vibrapods under everything but amps. Echo Busters.HELP
What's up with "High end is who you are"?
Yeah I read "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" once.
BTW not all Cardas power cords are good; I bought one that was terrible with my power amp -- the hexlink I think. The Cardas Golden power cord was COMPLETELY different and should not ruin the bass as in your experience.
LOL, so far you have been told to experiment with or replace everything in your system including the room! So much for help. Not that I have your answer either.

As long as we are all giving out .02 cents, let me add another .02, making it .04 cents!

I do believe a room plays a big part, but I believe many, if not most, on here would say that they have setup many systems in many rooms and had them sound good, doing little or nothing to the room. Could changing room setup and treatment improved this, absolutely.

Also, I bet the majority of the users here do not have power conditioning.
Hey, I don't sell anything--and you're the one who's not happy. I'll put it in other words:
The professional is able to compensate the idiosyncracies of his equipment.

Thet's why I say what I say. Audio is not about buying expensive equipment. Audio is about knowing how to set up anything, anywhere and making it sound right. This skill takes time and effort to learn.

With psychic power and primal intensity,
Gellis1, what do YOU think the problem is? Many suggestions have been made and you have rejected several of them. It seems as though you are looking for a specific answer to validate your own opinion.
Marigo VTS tuning bands on your dynamic driver basket arms. That is one of the suggestions.Do you think I should try it? Or maybe put everything in a different room. Someone suggested cardas cables,Done that,Been their.Not rejecting.Don"t forget my first subject.BROKE.I was thinking it was my source and ask if anybody had heard the North Star Design DAC& TRANSPORT but nobody replied on that.I did remove the vibrapods but no change.