Copying LPs to CDs

I have a nice collection of vinyl LPs that I want to copy to CDs using the CD-R on my computer. Is there any software out there that can take an analog audio sugnal and digitize it for copying to a CD-R. It would also be helpful if this software had a tick-and-pop filter to get rid of scratches and maybe some equalization. Thanks
You must have a high quality sound card with A/D converters. Then you will be able to store your LPs as .wav files on the hard disk and then burn the CD-R. The software is usually provided with the card, or you can get shareware. But the quality of the A/D stage is crucial. Not many sound cards have hi-fi quality; I suggest you look at the $500 range.
The best software that I have found is Adaptec's Easy CD Creator version 4. It does have a tick and pop filter which you can adjust for best possible results.
Try NERO. This software burns audio very well. Here is their site: