Hum in the system

Hi, I just installed a MSB Link DAC III in my system and that promptly caused a low but audible hum. The hum goes away as soon as I turn off my power amp. (but that's not exactly a workable solution....) Now, both the power amp (Acurus A-100) and the MSB have 3-pronged plugs, so I wonder if there is a ground loop problem. My question is, how do I fix it? The Mondial M.A.G.I.C won't work, because it is a cable ground isolator - at any rate I don't have cable TV. Any suggestions/solutions will be much appreciated. Thanks!
I had the same hum problem , i called Carol Nelson at MSB and Carol swaped a new dac with the problem dac and it fixed the hum problem . Carol is a very nice person and MSB stands behind their products . 650-747-0400 hope this helps .
Thanks for all your responses. I was on the phone with MSB tech support and their suggestion (after we had tried a couple of other things) was to use a cheater plug. That worked.
A quick follow-up. It turned out that the hum was caused by a faulty power supply. MSB sent me a new power supply and voila!, no hum. I don't need to use the cheater plug any longer, which I am really glad about. Again, thanks for the suggestions.
Magic Box for $100? Uh, no. Xantec makes a version of this for $8.