Hum in the system

Hi, I just installed a MSB Link DAC III in my system and that promptly caused a low but audible hum. The hum goes away as soon as I turn off my power amp. (but that's not exactly a workable solution....) Now, both the power amp (Acurus A-100) and the MSB have 3-pronged plugs, so I wonder if there is a ground loop problem. My question is, how do I fix it? The Mondial M.A.G.I.C won't work, because it is a cable ground isolator - at any rate I don't have cable TV. Any suggestions/solutions will be much appreciated. Thanks!
I just thought I'd update what ended up happening with Shiv's DAC hum. We first dropped the ground, which worked for about a day. After being left on all night without the ground, the entire DAC died. I suspected power supply (wall wart) problems, though MSB denied the likelyhood of this. Shiv's wall wart was cold to the touch, and normally they are slightly warm whenever left plugged in. MSB wanted the whole DAC sent back, but I talked them into starting with just sending another power supply--I didn't want a customer who just purchased a new DAC to have about two weeks of downtime if it wasn't nessasary. It did end up being the power supply, and the DAC has worked just fine every since the wall wart replacement. Dealers as well as customers take note...if you even encounter the problems like at the start of this threat, begin with the power supply after a few other routine checks such as interconnects running near power cords, etc. Jeff
I get hum in my system when my Naim 3.5 cd player is plugged into the wall and the system contains and MFA Magus pre-amp. If I unplug the Naim, the hum is gone. If I replace the Magus with and Audible Illusions L1 pre-amp, there is not a hum problem with the Naim. If I replace the Naim with a Rega Planet, there is no hum with the Magus in my system. So, each piece of gear works correctly and without hum, and there is only a problem when the Naim 3.5 and Magus are in the system at the same time - but, this is my favorite combination, so I want to fix it, any insights?
Had this problem for long.Solved by a really bright guy Arnie Nudell AKA Genesis Tech.I have Three inputs into my KBA A+V Standard(KBA)=Krell Boat Anchor DVD/CD(coax)SAT(Toslink)VCR(composite analog)He said turnoff and unplug imputs.I unpluged VCR and no hum.I had tried everything.
Had this problem for long.Solved by a really bright guy Arnie Nudell AKA Genesis Tech.I have Three inputs into my KBA A+V Standard(KBA)=Krell Boat Anchor DVD/CD(coax)SAT(Toslink)VCR(composite analog)He said turnoff and unplug imputs.I unpluged VCR and no hum.I had tried everything.Ihad tried it all.Krell Tech said cheater plugs Mac Tech said file plug on my 7106 and reverse polarity Dealer said ground chassis together.All said turn off inputs but turning them off does not affect ground loop.GOOD LUCK