Tube advice

I'm thinking about replacing the tubes in my x-10d (Musical Fidelity). Now I know nothing about tubes-I believe the type used is Philips 6922's-I got this from another news group.2 questions. 1.Does it have to be exactly the same serial number or is there a generic form which this number relates to and therefore others I can use? 2.Obviously I'm thinking about changing with more expensive tubes-I'd seen Telefunken mentioned-is it possible to make a major mistake with the more cash is better theory? I appreciate there may be a degree of subjectivity involved in the latter question. Any help appreciatted and thanks in advance, Ben
Try Svetlana's.Have them in my CJ Prem 16LS.They sound great and have gotten good reviews.Maybe someone who has experienced them can second my motion.Thanks.
6922's are also marketed as 6DJ8's. I've had good success with Sovteks, check out Audio Advisor for a selection...
Tou might want to also check with Kevin at for availability.