Oh Pls Help

Just bought a pair of Monarchy Deluxe 100s Hooked them up to my speakers - no problem Hooked them up to my Pre amp (Cary SLP 94 Tube) - big problem Big I mean BIG hum on both speakers, music does play, although the hum is about as loud i usually play music at night Impedance problem? voltage problem? Polarity Problem? any suggestions
Are you using balanced interconnects? When I had a Meridian amp, if I used balanced IC's, I had to put in shortening plugs in the RCA jacks or else I would get a hum.
You have a ground feedback loop or are picking up hash from adjacent power cords, etc. First have a look and make sure you have hooked up OK, make sure all connections are good and tight and correct. Then (with power still off) disconnect the source interconnect, power up and see if you still have the hum. If not, then the hum loop is from the source side, if yes then you have to look at the output side. This means you are picking up thru the cables unwanted signal from adjacent power cords or transformers (large ones powering tube amp..???) and therefore you will have to "dress" the cables (get them away from power cords and sources, etc) and avoid unneccessary loops in the cable. Keep the cables at 90 degrees when they have to cross other cords and make sure they go straight out and away from the amp before they head off in the direction of your speakers. Hope this helps you, regards Richard
Hi Brian, The quickest and easiest thing to try in addressing the ground loop problem would be to inatall "cheater plugs" on the amp's AC cords so as to float the ground pin. You can pick them up for a couple of dollars if you don't have them on hand. I had the same problem with the SE 100s and the "cheater plugs" cured it instantly. Good Luck!
Hey Brian, If you only have one AC adapter plug you could try it on the Cary AC cord first, because that could cure the hum as well.