Oh Pls Help

Just bought a pair of Monarchy Deluxe 100s Hooked them up to my speakers - no problem Hooked them up to my Pre amp (Cary SLP 94 Tube) - big problem Big I mean BIG hum on both speakers, music does play, although the hum is about as loud i usually play music at night Impedance problem? voltage problem? Polarity Problem? any suggestions
ah? well, it's the next day, and all is well Cheaters worked, sweat gone, can't wait to crank it when i get home
Commodore, I'm glad that the cheater plugs worked for you! Now if you ever suspect that an ungrounded amp is on the verge of melt-down (major failure) don't touch the amp, pull the rubberized plug out of the AC outlet instead and let it cool before handling. Enjoy your Music. :)
Plato (aka the fountain of wisdom): I'm unsure about how many beers this guy had chugged before, or whether he intended to share his beer with the amp. Needless to say, had you been in his position, the jolt would have done nasty things to your toga, O Wise One ! BTW, I agree that drinking and critical listening do not mix, but this guy was at a party, and his critical faculties were no doubt not at their best. The correct way to fix a ground loop is to interrupt the loop, but not at the chassis ground. Sorry, but I am cautious and do not believe in cheaters, even if they work.