3-D Imaging: How??

I'm finally satisfied with my current system, except for one thing: it is absolutely 2 dimensional except with a few discs in which you get a little depth. I have: Rega Planet, CJ PV11L, McCormack DNA.5, B&W Nautilus 805s. Interconnects are TARA Labs Master Gen 2, speaker cable is Audioquest SA-40 (hyper pure silver) on top, CV-4 on bottom(the CV-4 actually compares well to other cables I have tried) All equipment sits on marble slabs that are "tip-toed" to the concrete below my carpet. I'm using an Isobar Surge protector on the CD and Preamp, with a Sonic Horizons Daybreak power cord directly into the wall on the amp. The room is about 12" by 13", but I have a totally dedicated room with a good nearfield setup. Why is my sound 2-D?? Thanks guys!!
Get ASC traps, even the "nearfield" in a room that small will have reflections that are just too loud in level, and too early in time. They smooth out and extend the bass very well also. If I'm wrong, why do most hi-fi show exhibits use them? If you heard my system in either my smaller or larger rooms, you'd understand IMO.
And yes, in my little 12 x 14 x 7.5ft room, I get "lots of depth"...like about 200 virtual feet behind the little Maggies, with the Apogee mastered "Offenbach, Gaite Parisienne" gold CD (vinyl would be more like 300 "virtual feet"). Talk about the wall behind them disappearing! That wall, and the sidewalls, are treated with ASC and Ecobusters, also one package of Profoam cut to different sizes. You need very dynamic cables, and especially interconnects, to get good depth (dynamics and soundstage depth, and instrument imaging solidity/specificity, are all related directly to one another IMO...and can't occur with any accuracy in an untreated room IMO). Good luck...And Joe, if you're ever in my neck of the woods, come by. My system is a good'un, even though it didn't cost as much as the Porsche I want someday...
The best 3D image I have heard came from the little Zen SET that I played around with a few weeks ago. I have been reading about SET's in general and this seems to be their general style. It far surpassed any push pull tube amps that I have used in the past. I listened to it in a small 12' x 14' room that seemed to be crammed with musicians. Sorry that this doesn't help your situation, but maybe you are hoping for something that will not happen to the extent that you wish it to.
Hi G13; Lots of good info. above to consider. One thing I can add about equipment is that all the McCormack DNA amps project a "laid back" image, ie they image (and soundstage) a couple of feet behind the speakers. I've used the DNA-1DX, .5, and 2DX and they all do it. However it's an effect I happen to like. In your room if the image is 2 feet behind the speakers, that only leaves room for a 2.5 foot deep soundstage. I have tried some equipment that is much more forward, ie ML 331 amp, SF Line 3 preamp, and these projected a huge forward and deep, but un-natural soundstage that was not to my liking. Good Luck. Craig.