Best 845 amp?

Your take on the best 845 amp?
Based on my experience with the Audion Black Shadow mono 845 amps, I'd have to recommend the current updated version, the 3-chassis Elite. Audion amps have a very specific signature that is exceedingly natural, fast and dimensioned. I've heard the deHavilland, the Consonance, the Verdier and the Bel Canto. There isn't a clunker among them so you can't really go wrong with any. But the Audion 845 circuit is uniquely musical and involving. That circuit can use all of the current Chinese 845s, which makes the sound tunable. The Shuguang 845C lower disspation just makes it and delivers 20% less power. It runs a little hot but is stable and sounds great. The new SuperTNT 845M of course is fully in operating range and may be preferable for both sound and longevity reasons. The KR 845 is a drop-in substitution in the Audion circuit. I haven't heard it but the Audion CEO recommends it and thinks it sounds sublime.


I have had great experience with Antique Sound Lab 1009-845 which is a push pull with 60W.