fm reception

please somone help with the FM Receptoin I live In NewYrok City the FM RECEPTION is almost always terrible what is a great FM ANTENNA
Ag insider logo xs@2xmp10019
What kind of building are you in? Some steel and concrete buildings kill the signal. Try an antenna you can put outside somehow.
I've heard that NYC may have the most congested radio bands in the world so some suggestions may help your situation but may not cure it. If you are not trying to pick up stations from over 50 miles away, I would suggest a high quality dipole antenna such as the Fanfare FM-2G or the Magnum Dynalab ST-2. Either one can be mounted inside or in the attic, or if possible, mount it outside. An outside mount will increase the antennas effectiveness by 10-15%. Also, if there is any way to do this, before you decide on mounting it at the most convenient spot, move it to various locations in the room, checking your signal strength meter to see which area is best. You can purchase additional antenna cabling if you find the best position to be greater than 25 feet from your tuner. Your tuner also plays an important roll in FM reception. A quality tuner that offers better than average selectivity and that has a 'wide' and 'narrow' band selector may also be of help. Try calling Sound by Singer, located there in NYC. They carry FM products and may be your best source of info since their reception should be similar to yours. Good luck!
The use of a decent outdoor antenna and what we call a "pre-selector" in the RF field would probably take care of your problem. Magnum Dynalab's makes one of these and i think that they call it a "signal sleuth". It tightens the bandwidth of the received signal, filters out the junk and interference and then amplifies what is left. This type of product works best in situations like yours where there is a lot of interference, multipath, front end overload, etc.. Using this with a decent antenna should give you everything that your looking for. As to the sound quality, you'll never know what your FM tuner is capable of until you feed it a strong signal. The difference between a good outdoor antenna and the little wire dipoles that come with all tuners is rather staggering. Sean >