Best 845 amp?

Your take on the best 845 amp?
Dopogue - thanks for the comments.

Two questions re: the "new" Sophia 845 metal:
1. Does it have any special requirements re: plate voltage? My understanding the original 845C had a problem in this area.

2. Are the overall power & dynamics reduced as reported in the original 845C?

Thanks again for the comments!
I'm not technically knowledgable enough to be able to help, sorry. I do know that my amp designer/builder had to alter the bias substantially (up or down? don't know) to accommodate the 845Cs after my using 845Bs. This despite the fact that Sophia said no bias change would be necessary.

Regarding dynamics, my sense is that these particular 845Cs are quite a bit more dynamic than the Bs. Whether they're more dynamic than the original Cs, I'm not sure but I think so. Dave
Cadence Audio Canasya 845 PP 4- Tubes per blcok.